Have you been to the library lately?

https://electricliterature.com/poetry-six-by-elisa-gabbert/#.pjkv3pvkx Or bought the New York Times Carol Brennan King May 20, 2024 I want to build on the premise we were exploring last week that to be a good writer, you need to be a reader. And not just a reader in your genre, but someone who reads broadly. You need to read what…Read more Have you been to the library lately?

Memoir and Creative Writing

On another note, did you know that agents and publishers expect your manuscript to meet their criteria? You can't just use whatever size and type of font that rings your bell. You can't use color to help you make your point. BECAUSE before you send that baby in, it has to meet the publisher or agent's standards. So check them out and use those standards to write your story.

Creative and Memoir Writing  

          Carol Brennan King May 17, 2023 Greetings Writers! Are you feeling great because of all that you accomplished last week? I ask that because every week I have to write, send to my coach, and post over my desk what my writing-related goals are for the week. Then, at the end of the week,…Read more Creative and Memoir Writing  

Creative and Memoir Writing

Those of you who have followed me for a while, you know I have a writing coach. AND, you probably know that one of the benefits of my relationship with my coach is that every week, we, her coachees, must turn in our weekly writing re-lated goals. Then, a week later, we turn in our accountability report. So, I asked her if she minded if I passed on some information about what she does.

Creative and Memoir Writing

We are nearing the end of our Spring semester so, as those of you in the Zoom class will remember, I am giving you a number of online resources right now. Think of it as a reference library to be used as you continue writing. I know that many of you write as fast as you can to get them all down...but here they are.