1. General resources related to Ireland and the Irish people.

You might want to start by checking out BellaOnline -The Voice of Women. Don’t be misled by that address. It should take you to the home of that site and an interesting article on IRISH LIFE IN THE 1800’s.https://www.bellaonline.com/ Since many of the poor Irish of the period ended in the Workhouse or the Poorhouse,…Read more 1. General resources related to Ireland and the Irish people.

2. If you have Irish ancestors, you might enjoy the book I’ve written: Leaving Ireland. But for the moment, check this out:

Look around you. What would it be like if half of the people living in your state disappeared? That’s what happened in Ireland in the middle of the 1800’s. In Ireland before the famine of the late 1840’s, over eight million people called Ireland home. Then over a million people died of starvation and disease…Read more 2. If you have Irish ancestors, you might enjoy the book I’ve written: Leaving Ireland. But for the moment, check this out: