Hello Again! May 13, 2024

Carol Brennan King

These last few months have been busy for me, mostly due to illness and surgery. HOWEVER, I am ready to get back in the saddle. What that means is that I plan to publish some of my more recent poetry here, and I plan to promote some websites that I believe will be helpful to other aspiring writers.

Advice number one, if you want to write, you need to read good writers. Like any of the works by Ross Gay. He was a guest speaker in one of the classes I took, and yes, I am still taking classes, though I have a B.A. and an M.A. in the Creative Writing field.

Let me suggest you google Ross Gay and you might want to start here:

The video takes just less than an hour, and I listened to it live last fall, and once then was not enough. He is someone you just want more of….well, I did.

The books I brought home from the library this week by Ross Gay included The Book of (More) Delights (2023) and Inciting Joy (2022), both collections of essays that draw you in. Also, a poet, though sadly, the library had none of his poetry. I say sadly because if you ever hear him read his work, you wish he would not stop reading when he ends the ones he chose to share just then.

So, I encourage you to Google Ross Gay or check him out on Amazon.

If his work does not ring your bell, come on back another day, and I will share some other of my very readable favorites.

Remember, if you want to write well, you must read good writers.

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